Baltic employer of the Year 2021: The One Point

Company News
March 31, 2021
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We are thrilled to announce we have been choosen to recive the Baltic Employer of the Year award. The Baltic annual Employer of the Year award recognises the vital role  employers play in the success of their learners on their apprenticeship journey. This award celebrates how the organisations they work with embed apprenticeships into their culture and showcases the outstanding support they provide to their learners on a daily basis. Here's why The One Point was choosen by baltic as the Baltic Apprenticeships Employer of the Year 2021:

Outstanding Support

As apprenticeships are all about development and growth, combining education with on the job experience, it is vital our employers have a support system in place for their learners. This is a huge part of what stood out about The One Point. We were given an insight into the support apprentices are provided within the organisation:

'All apprentices shadow full-time staff members until they gradually feel comfortable enough to start taking on the role themselves.'

'This model is beneficial since a growing number of our helpdesk team have either joined as an apprentice themselves, have significant experience supporting apprentices or, in some cases, have experience in both positions.'

'We also recognise the support we need to give our apprentices to learn. There is time away from their regular duties and always someone to ask for advice on assignments. This guidance has led to some pretty impressive Distinction grades when our past apprentices have completed.'

Career Development

At Baltic, they are huge believers in the 'grow your own' ethos, and understand the benefits apprentices can bring to businesses. They told us how The One Point have done just that:

'In 2017, Lewis completed his Level 3 IT Infrastructure Technician apprenticeship and became an apprentice ambassador at The One Point. In 2018, Lewis was then presented with his first Company Value Ambassador Award for his commitment to helping other apprentices succeed. Fast forward to 2020, Lewis received a promotion for his fantastic efforts and is now IT Support Manager at The One Point.'

They also gave us further insight into the Apprentice Ambassador system and how this works:

'Those who have progressed from apprentice positions to permanent roles are known as Apprentice Ambassadors. Someone the next generation can look to directly for guidance. These apprentice mentors provide additional support beyond the direct supervisor our apprentices work with.'

Baltic said "It's clear that The One Point have embedded apprenticeships into the fabric of their organisation!"

Workplace Culture

It's no secret that 2020 has proved a challenge, it can be difficult to maintain a positive workplace culture when a large number of teams are working remotely. However at  The One Point this change was embraced:

'It's been a challenging year for any business. As an apprentice employer, The One Point have taken into account age and experience and offered tailored support adequately to the individual's needs. This has allowed training to continue safely and with minimal disruption. To help out, we frequently check in with each other. Overall, it's the people and culture that make The One Point apprentice experience a success.'

'We are a workplace that helps less experienced team members progress into competent and confident industry professionals. It has taken time and learning to get to where we are now. Our apprentices, current and former are very much a part of that journey.'

At The One Point there is also a drive to challenge common misconceptions about apprenticeships, making sure they are accessible to every member of their team:

'Apprenticeships are not just limited to our new young starters either and have been popular with our established members of the team looking to boost skills, gain industry qualifications and transition roles.'

Celebrating Success

The One Point have apprentices with Baltic in our Marketing, IT and Telecoms teams which showcases how apprenticeships are a core part of their business. One thing we admire about this organisation is that when their learners are excelling, they like to shout about it!

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