Is Cyber Security a valuable investment for your business?

Tech Blog
Cyber Security
April 8, 2024
Is Cyber Security a valuable investment?
Is Cyber Security investment valuable?

In an era dominated by digital advancements, the importance of cybersecurity cannot be overstated. With increased technology reliability, businesses are more susceptible to cyber threats.

Did you know?

66% of small businesses are concerned about cybersecurity risk.
47% lack the understanding to protect themselves, leaving them vulnerable to attacks.

We understand that you may require hard evidence to support your expenses and make a decision on your cyber security provider and the initiatives you need as a business.

What are the benefits of a robust cybersecurity defence?

Risk Reduction

Every business is at risk of security and data breaches in the digital age. It is important to take action to reduce your susceptibility to scams and cybercriminals. Using our proactive approach, we can identify risk points within your business and ensure training is received to lower the likelihood of attack.

Measuring Incident Response Time

Responding swiftly to a cyber incident is crucial in minimizing damage. Metrics that highlight incident response time can help illustrate the effectiveness of cyber security efforts. When a business is down due to a cyber incident, experts must work efficiently to get operations back up and running. A reliable and trustworthy cybersecurity provider can reduce the risk of expensive business downtime.

The average cost of downtime is:
-         Up to £427 per minute (Small businesses)
-         Up to £16,000 per minute (Large business)

Monitoring Compliance Metrics

Depending on your business sector, you may need to meet data protection and cyber security regulatory requirements. Demonstrating compliance with these regulations avoids legal consequences while also showcasing a commitment to safeguarding sensitive information.

Data Protection

For organisations handling sensitive data, metrics related to data protection are paramount. Consider the number of data breaches prevented, data loss incidents, and the efficiency of encryption measures. Robust systems must be implemented to ensure customer and business data is kept secure and safe.

At The One Point, we can help you access great quality cyber security measures that suit your budget, so why not give our team a call today?

01482 420150

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