Password tips to shield your business from data breaches

Tech Blog
IT Support
January 3, 2024
illustration of secure password tips

• Data breaches are becoming increasingly common and can put businesses at serious risk if passwords are not secure.
You should make passwords complex, unique and unpredictable with a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. You can also use Passphrases.
You should enable Multi-factor authentication and biometric features for further security.

Every employee plays a crucial role in safeguarding your business from cyber threats. Be sure to share this knowledge with your team.

In the modern era of technology, data breaches have become increasingly frequent. And in a time when passwords such as 'password123' and 'guest' still rank as the most common passwords, it's always a good idea to rethink the password strategy used by yourself or your employees to protect your business data.

If this sounds familiar or concerning, it's time to change your password habits!  Let's dive into how you can rethink your password strategy.

Dangers of a data breach

A data breach, an intentional or unintentional leak of sensitive information, can put your business at serious risk. It is also probable that at least one of your own or your team's current or old passwords have been exposed by a data breach, making it a potential key for cybercriminals to unlock valuable information about your business.

If your passwords are exposed, they can be bought on the dark web by cyber criminals who can gain unlimited access to your accounts and sensitive information. Moreover, the danger multiplies if you've used the same password for multiple online accounts. Cybercriminals will be able to access any accounts that use that password. 

Creating Strong Passwords: 8 TOP Tips

Creating complex, unique passwords for each account is crucial to protect your business. Here are some tips on how to do just that:


  1. Make your passwords complex: Your passwords should contain at least eight characters and use a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. This extra effort makes them harder to crack.
  2. Use Passphrase: Instead of using a single word, consider a passphrase, which is a phrase or sentence. For instance, "Pa$$wordSafety1sC0ol" is a much stronger choice than "password123". Avoid using easily guessable phrases, like quotes from popular movies.
  3. Use a password generator: Tools like LastPass and 1Password can automatically generate strong passwords for your team, taking the guesswork out of the process.
  4. Avoid variations of old passwords: Cybercriminals can use sophisticated tools to figure out password variations. Changing "Fish" to "Fish1" won't provide much protection.
  5. Enable multi-factor authentication:  Adding another layer of authentication, such as a code sent to an email address or phone number, makes it much harder for malicious actors to access accounts.
  6. Update passwords regularly: Changing all passwords at least once every three months is best practice. Automate the process with tools like LastPass and 1Password whenever possible.
  7. Enable biometric features: Technology like facial recognition, voice authentication, and fingerprint scanning can add more protection to your accounts.
  8. Avoid sharing passwords: If you must share a password, share with high caution. Make sure trustees have a legitimate need for the information they're requesting and that their identities are verified.


Even if you're fortunate not to have had any of your passwords exposed in a data breach, ensuring that all your passwords are unique and robust is still crucial. 

If managing multiple complex passwords seems daunting, consider using a password manager. These tools can store and manage your passwords securely, making your business safer from cyber threats.


Your business's cybersecurity is too important to be left to chance. Following these tips and prioritising strong, unique passwords can significantly reduce the risk of a damaging data breach. 

Protect your business by strengthening an essential tool used by your first line of defence: yyour and your team's passwords.

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