URGENT APPEAL - The One Point is donating to the Samaritan's Purse Christmas Child Shoebox appeal.

Company News
November 3, 2014
samaritains purse shoebox appeal


URGENT APPEAL - This Christmas The One Point, in place of Christmas gifts for customers, will again donate to the Samaritan's Purse Christmas Child shoebox appeal.

Last year we donated 100 shoe boxes filled with gifts – 50 for boys and 50 for girls.

To enable us to do the same this year we are requesting that any local companies, who wish to do so, donate a quantity of any of the following items – or even filled boxes if you prefer

These shoeboxes are often the only gift a child will receive for Christmas.

The One Point will donate the remainder of the gifts to fill the boxes and also the £3.00 donation needed. If you could donate anything it will be very gratefully received.

Things that can be included:


  • Dolls, trucks, stuffed animals (with CE labelling), harmonicas yo-yos, skipping ropes, balls, small puzzles

School Supplies

  • Pens, Pencils and sharpeners, crayons, felt pens, stamps and ink pad sets, writing pads, notebooks, paper, solar calculators, colouring books, picture books

Other items

  • Hat, cap, gloves, scarves, sunglasses, hair accessories, jewellery set, wind up torch, wrapped sweets (with a sell by date of at least March).


  • War related items (toy guns, play soldiers or knives), chocolate or other food items, liquids or lotions of any type including bubbles and medicines, handmade or knitted toys, anything political, racial or religious, marbles, sharp objects, glass containers, mirrors or fragile items and clothing other than the items listed above.

We boxes need to be completed and to the collection point by 14th November.

Please let us know as soon as possible (by Monday 10th of November latest) if you intend to donate anything.

Call  01482 420150 and ask for Alison.

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