The One Point and Spectrum climbed Snowdon.

Company News
April 27, 2022
The One Point and Spectrum climbed Snowdon.

The One Point team successfully climbed Mount Snowdon, located in the Snowdonia National Park, Wales. This challenging feat was accomplished alongside their sister company, Spectrum. The climb took place on On Saturday, 23rd April.

The team of 24 climbers included a diverse group of experience levels and roles within both companies.

On climb day, the weather was dry and bright; however, the winds were especially high. Conditions, therefore, meant the original plan to travel up together along the scenic Miner's Track and back down along the Pyg Track was changed to both ascent and decent along the Llanberis Path for safety reasons. This amendment was on the advice of two experienced experts on hand to advise the team.

Our group begin the ascent.
Walking the path together as one group

The One Point's accomplishment came in the same week the team received news of their nomination for a Comms Business Awards 2022 Workplace Award. The group encouraged and motivated each other throughout the climb and did not leave anyone behind without reaching the summit. The Snowdon challenge was an excellent example of the workplace culture they maintain.

Rest at the summit
TOP Reach the Top
Comms business awards finalist 2022

Founder and CEO Martin Lauer said, "It was great to see everyone working together and supporting each other to achieve something amazing. This is what our company is all about."

CSO Nathan Greenfield said, "I am so proud of our team for conquering Mount Snowdon. This was a great example of our company culture in action."

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